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Learn to Forgive Yourself as Much as You Forgive Everyone Else

Do you see yourself as selfless or always helping someone out in their time of need? Do you ever wish there was someone out there that will love/help you out as much as you do everyone else? News flash: you might be spreading yourself too thin. Someone wise once told me that if you continue to fill everyone up from your cup you’ll be empty before you know it. You cannot pour from an empty cup. It’s okay to be selfish sometimes. Honestly, it’s not even being selfish for real. You MUST take care of yourself first. There is no one in this world that can take care of you better than you can take care of yourself. That includes forgiveness. Many times, we are our own worst enemies and critics. I know for myself I am always beating myself up on how I can be better. What I could have done. How I should have reacted. What I shouldn’t have done. And so on and so forth. Occasionally, we should take a mental break and pat ourselves on the back for all we have done. I mean, you went to work every day this week and did your job in your best way. You chef-boyardee’d the shit out of dinner last night! You dodged an accident of a reckless driver! You didn’t beat up that loud angry customer, rather, you just gave them your best fake ass customer service! Congrats! You are a true champion. You survived another week.

Forgiveness can seem hard at first but I think you understand that you take so much slack the least you can do is cut yourself a break! That raging anxiety can be a heavy burden to carry every single day. Start out with small compliments to yourself. You give a million and one to random people on the internet. You owe it to yourself! Go back and tell yourself how fine you looked on your last selfie. Take another! Stand in the mirror and smile at yourself. Put on something sexy and go out. Life can be so hard that we often focus on building and maintaining relationships with everyone and everything than ourselves. Your relationship with yourself and God should be placed on a higher playing field than anything else. There are many things that give us peace in life. And believe me when I tell you that self-forgiveness is one of those things.

“Forgive yourself. Not just once. Again, and again, and again. As many times as it takes to find peace.”


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