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Growth Must Be Chosen

Smoke comes from fire but it does not burn,

Leaves fall from trees but they do not hurt,

& light comes from bulbs but it never penetrates your skin.

     These are weird examples right lol. I put them there to show you that we are born or created one way but that doesn't mean the things that come from us or what we display have to be toxic or harmful. I am a fire sign meaning my mouth can be very lethal, I am hot-heated, and vicious. But even though I am all those things I can portray myself in other ways. Most of that fire that comes from within is now smoke. I don't have to cut you down a size when you offend me or be toxic to you just because you were toxic to me. I seen a quote online awhile ago that said "stop passing off clear character flaws as 'that's just how I am' and improve yourself."

     "That's just how I am" saved me from so many difficult conversations with myself, so many tears, and so many anxious moments. But that same phase hindered me from so much growth and prosperity that I STILL had to face at a later date. Whether you understand this concept now or later you will have to face those generational curses, character flaws, and negative traits about yourself in order to become a being of higher consciousness. One who is strong and never wavered by trivial obstacles. Working on yourself is never an easy task. It's not even a job that can be completed. It is consistency and you must be steadfast in your efforts to be better. You have to sit down with yourself and be honest because at the end of the day you are alone with yourself and your thoughts.... no one else. Work on you FOR you. This is your journey, your battle, this is YOUR world. Everyone has character flaws and nobody is perfect. Start today being better than yesterday then continue this every single day. Get rid of something that no longer serves you every day. Train your mind to react to similar situations in a different manner. Push out negative thoughts and talk nice to yourself and loved ones. Tell yourself that "this will not be easy but your up for the challenge" and mean it! You will get to where your going if that's what you choose.


"One can choose to go back toward safety or forward growth. Growth must be chosen, again and again, fear must be overcome again and again."

-Abraham Moslow


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