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A Daily Affrimation

af·firm·a·tion ˌafərˈmāSH(ə)n/ noun 1. the action or process of affirming something or being affirmed. "he nodded in affirmation" synonyms: declaration, statement, assertion, proclamation, pronouncement, attestation; More 2. emotional support or encouragement. "the lack of one or both parents' affirmation leaves some children emotionally crippled" Daily Affirmation List: 1. Everything happens in GOD's perfect timing, NOT my own. 2. Better days are coming. 3. I must continue to grow. 4. Pain is temporary. I must endure it. There will always be pain, I will find the good in every situation. 5. I will do because I want to, no other reason required. 6. I love myself & I will protect me at all costs. 7. I will get to where I'm going. I am making steps in the right direction. I must enjoy the journey while I am able. 8. I will spread love in all forms & speak positivity in all aspects. 9. Pray when I am happy. Pray when I am sad. Pray when I am anxious. Pray when I am angry. JUST PRAY. 10. I must keep moving forward!

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