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You Have Talent!




  1. natural aptitude or skill.

"he possesses more talent than any other player"

synonyms:flair, aptitude, facility, gift, knack, technique, touch, bent, ability, expertise, capacity, faculty; More

I started this blog off with a definition because often people misuse the topic of our next discussion. Being able to sing/rap/act/play a sport aren't the only talents that matter in this world. Every talent doesn't have a crowd or fan base but it doesn't make one talent better than the next. I'll give an example: sins. We all commit them. Some people think some sins are worse to commit than others but in the good book all sins are equal. Now that was just an example so don't take it out of proportion (lol). All talents are equally great & we are blessed with or without them because they make us who we are or who we are not!

"Everything I'm not made me everything I am."

-Kanye West

In order to capitalize on our strengths we must acknowledge and accept that we might be similar to another but no one can do what you do! And once you realize that you must also realize you cannot duplicate someone's talent. There is no need for clones in this world. Be your own AUTHENTIC self!

It took me a couple years (mostly all my life thus far) to realize the slightest thing could be my talent. Being able to make people laugh, being able to make people feel comfortable, solving riddles, etc. It's these small talents that go hand in hand with our destinies or reasons we are put on this earth. Being able to make people laugh= a comedian. Being able to make people feel comfortable= a therapist. Being able to solve a riddle= a detective. The ability to see beauty in all things= a creator. For me I have the ability to see potential in all people and all things, I was finally able to realize I have such a unique talent! I want to help everyone become their most authentic and best selves. What a blessing! Thank God for every thing you can do. Some people realize their talents sooner than others but that doesn't mean you have a later start than them. You might have not been ready to realize what you're supposed to do. You learned everything you needed to prepare you for this moment or you just might not be ready yet, plain and simple. Life has no guidelines. All of our stories are different (word to a past blog: Your Story is Different for a Reason).

Hard work beats talent! Always and forever. So if your blessed with something, still understand that it takes time to perfect it. You have to make it your OWN, humbly remind everyone that it's yours and your going to do it your way, think outside the box with it, put some damn pizzazz in there! And also, don't let anyone tell you to focus your energy or limit yourself. For the longest time I believed people telling me I have to put all my efforts into ONE talent. That's a lie. Humans were not built like that. Society tries to keep us at dead end jobs, living check to check so that in the end we forget our dreams and aspirations. Never forget!

"9-5's pay the bills, dreams makes you a millionaire."

-Somebody on Twitter

I used to think I must be famous! Like I was a failure if thousands of people didn't know my name. I just plain and simple did not understand what "talent" meant. I didn't think being able to write was one. I didn't think being able to counsel was one. I didn't think being able to genuinely listen was one. I didn't think being able to make people smile and see the best version of themselves was one. None of these were talents to me. It took me a couple failures to see this. I couldn't get in school for music. I couldn't stay with a sport long enough. I couldn't practice hard enough and give my body for the sake of the team. I just couldn't do it. We have to stop this ideology that money and fame are the only way to be successful.

Success is defined in two ways:

1. accomplishing an aim or purpose.

2. having achieved popularity, profit, or distinction.

(I.e. YOU determine if you are successful in this life.)

"If you can't do big things do small things in a big way." You are good at something and the world needs it. Your family, friends, and everyone you encounter needs you to be YOURSELF. I know it's corny but "be yourself because someone else is already taken" is such a relevant statement. I know there are better bloggers than me out here but whose blog are you choosing to reading right now? And It's not because I put my sentences together the best. It's because I do it in my own way. I make up my own words sometimes and I damn sure know I'm telling you some real nigga spill! Be great. Be fearless. Just be you!

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