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Your Thoughts Effect Your Reality

Have you ever heard "mind over matter" or "what you think shall come to pass"? I'll even go out on the limb and include "power of the tongue" as a similar example. Your thoughts effect your reality and vice versa. But would you believe me if I told you your thoughts effect your reality more than reality can effect your thoughts? I was on twitter last night and I was reading a fantastic thread. It basically said that nothing can exist without thought. If you sit here and think about it, nothing in this life is real. It's as real as you make it to be.

"Whether you think you can, or think you can’t – either way you’re right."

Henry Ford

We are all just walking meat bags. Your thoughts create everything! What is a body without a brain? A brain without a thought? A thought without a conscience? It is nothing, it is useless and it will eventually rot. Your thought process controls everything that happens.... EXAMPLE: How do you know to kick a ball that is rolling towards you? Your mind recreates the action of kicking, your leg sends signals to your brain (through the nervous system of course), your brain receives the message and processes it, and lastly sends signals back through the nervous system telling your leg to kick. Who created this course of action? YOUR BRAIN! When you are brain dead they call you a vegetable. Why? The body is useless without the brain (i.e. thought). Which is why I say to you now that you are creating your own reality as you read this blog, just like in everything else that you do. Anything that is happening to you, whether bad or good, is all based on your perception of what occurred. Nothing can be real to you unless you think it to be.

"When something bad happens, you have three choices: You can either let it define you, let it destroy you or let it strengthen you."

Author Unknown

Have you ever met someone so happy and full of life? Always smiling and joyous? They're always telling you that "life is great" and you believe that person is genuinely happy. How is that possible? Life is hell on earth and you're telling me that everything is just peachy? You love your job, car, house, friends, day-to-day life without question? It's only possible because that person CHOOSES to love life. They CHOOSE to love their car, house, husband/wife, and spiritual journey as a whole. For many years I hated everything. My family, my situation, my school, my habits, hair, the weather, etc. I blamed myself because I knew I controlled my life but there was always situations I couldn't control/handle. I finally got fed up about 6 years ago and asked one of my good friends "how are you legitimately happy? I never see you upset even when you have every reason to be? What can I do to be as happy as you?" She laughed at me, I'll never forget it (lol). She stood there laughing for a second. Then she told me "yeah you're right, life does suck sometimes. But I choose to take the positive out of every situation than the lesser." I thought she was insane y'all! I'm not even going to lie. But it turns out I completely understand her now. You have to create a loving and happy existence on your own. There is no amount of money, clothes, job, house, significant other, etc. that can create your happiness for you. Everything that ever made you happy or sad was because you chose that emotion when encountering that certain situation. Your thoughts effect your reality.

"The mind is everything. What you think you become."


"Mind over matter" means that what you think shall come to pass. Ever wondered why your life was so miserable? You think miserable thoughts! Want a happier life? Change how you perceive what happens to you and I guarantee that life will change for the better. The next time something isn't working out I want you to understand that wasn't for you and your blessing is fastly approaching. Do not be deceived by anything. Don't even let your own thoughts deceive you! You are in control. Remember at night when you were younger and you saw a monster in your closet? Then turned the light on only to find that it was just a sweater. Perception is everything. It can even determine our emotions. You are powerful! And you are the author to your own story, the maker of your pending masterpiece! Keep moving forward, keep your thoughts positive and remember what you think shall come to pass.

"You’ve got to win in your mind before you win in your life."

John Addison

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