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12 Laws of the Universe

Recently I have been trying to step outside of myself, and everything I know to be true, to experience other ideologies and concepts. Not too long ago I came across "The 12 Laws of the Universe." These laws are said to govern the universe and that make sense of everything that happens to/around us. Often called the "laws of heaven and earth." These are the 12 laws and how I understand them. Of course, depending on who we are they can mean different things. Let me know which is your favorite, which makes the most sense to you, or even if you think it's absolute BS.

1. The Law of Divine Oneness- This law is saying that EVERYTHING affects one another. Whether our words, actions, and thoughts. Everything we do is also connected to everybody and everything in the universe. Similar to the domino affect.

2. The Law of Vibration- Everything in the world moves and has its own unique vibrational frequency specific to it. You know that "vibe" you feel when you're around someone like-minded as you are? Or that "vibe" you feel when you encounter someone you aren't too fond of? The calming feeling we get when we do something we love.... The anxiety we feel when we do something we don't like..... This law is basically discussing that. Those feelings!

3. The Law of Action- in order for us to manifest or reap the benefits of our work we must first ACT. This law means you have to do something in order to receive anything in return. Simple and cute, you cannot be lazy in all aspects and expect the universe to bless you with abundance.

4. The Law of Correspondence- This one is very complex to me. I believe it expands on the difference between our Physical (earthly) mind and our Divine (spiritual) mind. "The key to changing your physical reality is by realizing that you are more of a spiritual being than a physical one." Each mind affects the other, and it explains why we repeat certain trials and tribulations in our life. We must grow spiritually in order to expand our physical mind. A great explanation can be found if you click here.

5. The Law of Cause & Effect- NOTHING happens by chance. Every action/thought has a reaction. That's it, that's all!

6. The Law of Compensation- Sounds like money to me (lol)! Which it many be. This law goes hand-in-hand with Cause&Effect and it discusses "reaping what you sow" in visible deeds. That could be money, relationships, blessings, etc.

7. The Law of Attraction- Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which attract like energies. My last blog "Your Thoughts Affect Your Reality" basically explains this. Negative attracts negative and positive attracts positive.

8. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy- This law means we all have the ability to change the direction of our lives with our energies. The higher the vibration and understanding of these laws the better the chance to create superior conditions in your life. Damn, word to my last post again!

9. The Law of Relativity- This one is kind of crazy and to me it says a lot. It says that we must compare our problems to others and understand that things could always be worse. Also, each person receives their own set of obstacles in life with intent to strengthen the spirit all the while remaining a humble human being. Now I do not technically agree with the first sentence but like all of the laws they speak on more than one explanation (I guess it depends on perspective). On this random website I found this quote: "The spiritual and metaphysical aspects of this law of relativity tells us that everything in our physical world is only made real by its relationship or comparison to something. Light only exist because we compare it to dark. Good can only exist because we compare it to bad. Hot can only exist because we compare it to cold. In fact, everything in our life just is until we compare it to something. Nothing in life has any meaning, except for the meaning that we give it. It is all in how you look at your situation and what thoughts and perspective you choose to think about the situation with." Now again, word to my last blog! I'm giving you GOLD here. If you want to read the whole explanation click here.

10. The Law of Polarity- this one is more about mental vibrations and also plays on the previous law. Have you ever heard someone say something is "polar opposites"? That means they are comparing two things that are COMPLETELY different, such as light and dark. To me this law actually means that nothing can exist without the other and in order to exercise our full potential we must understand that polar opposites are one in the same. Opposites cannot exist without the other and also we would not know opposites without the other. We only know darkness because we have seen light. We only know pain because we have experienced love. You only understand someone is tall because you have encountered someone shorter. Neither can exist without the other. Therefore, this law is about balance.

"Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."

--The Kybalion.

11. The Law of Rhythm- Everything vibrates and moves. Depending on what it is, the rhythm's vary. "These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns." Just like stages in life and seasons, there will be good and there will be bad. We must learn to keep moving forward and understand that rhythm's constantly change. The only thing that is constant is change (word to Lyfe Jenning's).

12. The Law of Gender- This is not talking about sex in entirety, this law is based on the masculine and feminine aspects in every person and every thing. More so, science and psychology. I would even relate it to Sigmund Freud's theory on the ego (I don't have time to discuss but I encourage you to research his theory). Both (masculine and feminine) are required for life to exist; the reason for creation itself. It can also be looked at as Yin (feminine) and Yang (masculine). As you might know, Yin and Yang are life and balance. You must balance your masculine and feminine to become a true co-creator! There are also masculine and feminine mental genders, (i.e. back to the ego). Again, we must keep the ego balanced in order to become the best versions of ourselves.

"Masculine energy is the power of will, determination and the conscious mind. It is intelligent, logical, rational and linear left-brained thinking, the ‘I’ in ‘I Am’. Divine Masculine energy is very taking, action oriented and outwards flowing. Feminine energy is the personality, emotions and the unconscious mind. It is the ‘me,’ the ‘Self’ in ‘I Am’.Divine Feminine energy is very giving, receptive, passive and inwards flowing. It is also creative, empathic, compassionate, collaborative and intuitive right-brained thinking."

This information was obtained from "The Law of Gender," click here to read the entire article. As you can see it applies to all. We all have a left and right side of the brain that uses all of these characteristics. We must uncover an equilibrium between the two.

Those are the 12 Laws of the Universe! We must first comprehend then apply them in order to become masters of each law. Like I said before this is just my viewpoint and understanding of them. Please feel free to teach me about something I've missed or your viewpoint.

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self"

- Aldous Huxley

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