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Even the Strong Grow Weary

We all have that "strong" friend or family member that we go to when we are down and out bad. The one where we feel our safest to be vulnerable and know that they aren't there to judge you. You know, the kind of person you can rely on to give you the BEST advice and it's still the best regardless if we listen or not (lol). We all have someone where every time you see them they look as though they don't have a care in the world. You know for sure they are okay because they put out all the good karma in the world so they're supposed to receive it back. Often times we forget that we are all human and we all go through things. We can get so caught up in our own problems that it's hard to remember that every one else is going through tough situations just as we are. Oh how we forget that even the strongest of people grow weary.

"The worst part about being strong is that no one ever asks if you're okay."

― Unknown

That strong friend needs you as much as you need them. It doesn't hurt to just text/call/see them and ask if they're okay or how they've been doing. Think about it, if everyone is telling you how strong you are do you think it's easy to show them weakness? It is not, that strong friend just wants someone to be to them what they are to everyone else: a friend. Everything isn't about you, you, you. Friends give as much as they take and energies should always be matched. If they are always in your corner rooting you on and making sure your okay you should reciprocate the same love in return.

“I am strong, but I am tired, tired of always having to be the strong one, of always having to do the right thing.” ― Brenda Joyce, An Impossible Attraction

Think about how exhausting it is feeling like you give so much of your self to others and no one even cares if you are doing fine. And if you are that strong friend please understand that you are loved and beyond necessary. Everyone wasn't built being able to be a vessel of light amongst dark times. If no one tells you, I appreciate you for your never ending love and support for others. To be strong is to have that shyt that you can't teach. It's a blessing and a curse and if anyone understands you it is me. Please check on your strong friends, they might be going through some rough times. They need you. Even doctors need doctors, therapists need shrinks and healers need to be healed every once in awhile.

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